Sunday, May 20, 2012



Welcome to Confoodcius, my food blog about everything well, everything edible.

My name is Reena and I am a 22 year old passionate foodie hailing from Singapore, the land of awesome noms. However I have been living in Perth, Australia since goodness knows when so to put it into a (food) analogy, you could say I am a banana. Yellow outside, white inside!

I love food. I am one of those annoying people who post up food pictures on Facebook making everyone drool all over their newsfeed. To me, food is so much more than just something you eat and shit out the next morning. I love trying new foods, trying to cook, trying to find out more about where our foods come from and the people who grow it, trying to stay slim while doing all of the above yada yada. I definitely won't claim Im any kind of Masterchef expert but Im learning more and more everyday, bite by bite. 

So in advance, thank you for coming here to support me (bad overweight pun not intended) on my adventures and I hope this inspires you in whatever way possible!

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