Thursday, May 24, 2012

Kims Vietnamese Cafe

I have been craving for pho alot lately and really needed a fix so I asked my good vietnamese buddy, Annie to join me at our favourite local pho house : Kim's Cafe in Marangaroo.

Irrelevant car self portrait before leaving pho pho.
See what I did there?
*ba dum tsssssss*

Inside of Kims Cafe
(photo courtesy of

The interior is decked in plenty of red and white, with christmas style baubles lining the ceiling. It features simple furniture and does not appear pretentious. Kims is your typical get in, eat, get out asian eatery. with cheap prices to boot. Definitely not the place to sit for hours on end with friends catching up over a long meal. 

Spicy beef and pork noodle, my favourite dish

I know the above picture isn't pho-pho per se, but its also one of my favourites. I just love the taste of vietnamese noodle soups in general so I just lump all wet noodles into the Pho category! I am a big fan of spicy food so if there's a similar spicy option you can bet Im going for that! My other favourites include the beef ball version as well as the sliced raw beef or mixed beef ball and raw beef pho.

Coconut Milkshake

The drinks at Kims Cafe are also something I look forward to every time Im there. In particular their milkshakes. Coming in various flavours such as avocado, durian and coconut, there's something to suit the safest eater to the most adventurous (I find avocado milkshake disgusting.)

I usually steer clear of anything durian, not only because Im not fond of the fruit itself but also because I dislike anything that tastes fake and durian falls under that category of flavours which, unless you use the real deal, just doesn't taste good in general. However, the durian milkshake at Kims is actually quite nice, doesn't have an overly strong odour and I like it even though I don't like the fruit itself.
My friend says that Kims is not as good due to the fact that they are the kind of eatery which prepares the soups the day before and dishes it out to the masses as opposed to cooked individually, fresh. I suppose that is the case as their prices are affordable.

But overall, we think that Kims tastes authentic, is good for the price you pay and the owners are friendly enough! I did ask for a noodle refill ($2) expecting them to hand me a bowl of noodles to throw into my remaining soup but it came with the soup and abit of garnishing as well! Exceeding expectations much?  

My total bill was : 

Hot and Spicy vermicelli noodle soup : $10
Noodle refill : $2
Coconut milkshake : $5

My verdict :

Taste : 7/10
Price : 7.5/10
VFM : 7/10
(VFM : Value For Money)

You can visit Kims Cafe at : 70, Marangaroo Drive. Girrawheen 6064

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